About Michelle

When I started this blog, I was trying to figure out how to have twin toddlers and become a physician assistant.  I managed to survive that chapter of my life by the grace of God and with the help of a lot of generous family members.  I went to work in primary care.  While I loved my job, I was working 50 or more hours per week and my husband and I were both commuting quite a ways to get to work.  We were rarely together as a family and we were spending all our money on daycare and student loans.  We both started praying for closer jobs and more time together as a family.

In October of 2015 we added a third girl to our family.  She brings us so much joy, but her birth was the tipping point in what came next.  I jumped out of my comfort zone of primary care and a stable salary with benefits and took a part-time job in urgent care with no benefits and no guaranteed hours.  The day I accepted this job, my husband was offered a promotion to an office much closer to home.  It's amazing what God does when you take a leap of faith.  The stress level in our home has decreased tremendously and my big kids are doing much better in school.

Since becoming a physician assistant, I've been trying to incorporate healthier habits in our home.  For the last year, my husband and I have been enjoying Arbonne protein shakes most mornings.  We have also participated in Arbonne's 28-day Clean Eating Challenges.  The months that we have done these challenges we have noticed that we always tend to lose a little weight and we feel much better.  I love the products I have used with Arbonne so much that I am taking yet another leap of faith and have become an independent distributor.  I would love to use Arbonne as a vehicle to help you and your family learn to nourish your body in a healthy, sustainable way.  Please contact me for more information.

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